इस अवसर पर डॉ अनन्त विक्रम, डॉ राजीव कुमार, डॉ नन्द सिंह, डॉ युवराज, संजीव कुमार के द्वारा उच्च रक्तचाप, गैस्ट्रिक, चर्मरोग, जॉइन्ट पेन, साइटिका के कई रोगियों का जाँच कर चिकित्सा परामर्श दी गई तथा जरूरतमंद लोगों को तत्काल निःशुल्क औषधि भी दी गई.

हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल को अभी सब्स्क्राइब करें
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Compliance report for the months of DECEMBER - 2024 |
Sr. | Grivance and actions takes | No. |
1. | Grivances pending at the beginning of the month | NIL |
2. | Grivances received during the month | NIL |
3. | Grivances disposed out of (1) above | NIL |
4. | Grivances disposed out of (2) above | NIL |
5. | Grivances pending at the end of the month (1+2-3-4) | NIL |
Classification of Grievances disposed | ||
6.(a) | Grivances not related to the Code of Ethic | NIL |
6.(b) | Grivances related to Code of Ethic | NIL |
(i) Agreed to by the publisher and action taken | NIL | |
(ii) Not agreed to by the publisher | NIL | |
(iii) Any other action taken | NIL | |
Order, directions and advisories received from Central Govt. and S.R.B. | ||
7.(a) | Number of Orders, directons and advisories received | NIL |
7.(b) | Orders, direction and advisories complied to | NIL |
Published by : Publisher @ Live News24
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